Drop the labels & Start Living Life
on Your Own Terms

What if you could find your identity in who you are as a person instead of what you do, your labels and titles?

You can!

It starts with discovering your true self and leaving behind the labels that have been limiting you!

Yes, YOU!

Tell me you aren’t living life searching for labels, searching for the perfect ones to define you…

Wealthy, talented, popular, famous, well-connected, good-looking, bright, hardworking…

Believing these labels will make you feel…

Worthy. Deserving. Good enough.

You keep pushing through life, thinking this label will make me complete…

Yet, you are looking outside of yourself for something to make you happy, not realizing that this was the road to never-ending unhappiness.

Yes, it might give you spite of satisfaction…

But here’s the catch:

No matter how positive a role identity may seem, it comes with a price.

Do you really want to be just one thing?

Out of 7.96 Billion People on This Planet… You are YOU!

You are never like the next person… You are unique, different, and amazing! But these labels and titles border around your ability to find your true self… Which is why it’s time to define your own identity instead of letting others define it for you.

I’m Crystal – an art therapist and a creative coach. I want women to reconnect with who they really are, underneath all the labels… And find joy that doesn’t depend on their identity. I do this by helping them discover and embrace their authentic selves through art therapy.

Which is why I created this space… A space where you can feel free to be YOU!

And no longer be known or identified by your talents, career, accomplishments, family, or friends. I do this transformation by a process: “touring the muse”: an outward expression of an inward self-reflection.

If this sounds like you, I invite you to embark on this journey of self-discovery with me and uncover a path toward achieving what your soul truly longs for…

Explore Your Inner World with Art Therapy!

Art therapy will allow you the exploration and discovery of the self — an authentic representation of yourself…

Through art, you will be able to express your thoughts, feelings, and emotions that cannot be expressed easily with words.

You will also get to know yourself better and become aware of which things in your life are not bringing you the happiness or contentment you desire.

In a world full of individuals… discover who you are as an individual.

High-level support

High-level support


The ART is H E R

The Art is H E R is a journey of self-discovery through art. It’s about detaching yourself from your labels and forming a greater understanding of your true self and your place in the world.

As you will go through the artistic process and creative expression, you will discover things about yourself that you wouldn’t have otherwise noticed…


Authentic Networking

You know what’s better than being productive? Being happy.

That’s why there won’t be any talk about productivity, job titles, or roles at my networking events. But rather about what you really love—and living a life in alignment with what makes your heart sing.

Join the next event and share your story!

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Making Up, But Not Make Believe

Hey girl, it’s Crystal! Do you like personality tests? It seems like everywhere you turn, there’s another personality test trying to tell you who you are. They should come with a warning label: there’s a risk to using them, especially if you are prone to looking outwards to establish an identity.

Drop the labels, will you? Life is easier without them!

Discover what makes you, you!

Define your own identity instead of letting others define it for you.